Wedding Photos

Monday, June 9, 2008


Whether they're mine or Dan's, Danny loves to wear our shoes! And apparently putting on Dan's dirty socks as well!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Momentary Mishap

Danny got his entire arm stuck down the ball chute of his little toy. He was quite panicked for a little while. I couldn't even get it to budge, so I asked Dan if he could try to get him unstuck. After a few minutes of trying and not having any success, he asks me for some cooking oil!! I was like, "Can't we try something else first?!" The thought of that cleanup process was a little overwhelming. So I talked him into trying lotion, and wala! It worked! Danny was freed!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Danny's girlfriends

The two little girls next to Danny are our neighbors. Danny just loves them!!